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Yes, we did. Our constant curiosity about how Liferay operates leads us to examine the Liferay source code. Wonderful moment when we realize why it's necessary to examine the codebase to determine the number of custom fields each entity uses. We discovered how Liferay presented all of the assets there, and that's how we solved the problem—we just wrote the same component class for it.
Read MoreWe always have groovy scripts for the cleanup procedure in most projects. The syntax of Groovy Script is the issue. Keeping all of the fancy script organized and stored is a challenge. It pained us as usual, and we considered giving Liferay our own gogo shell commands. We learned this after doing some investigation. once again, it was a small component class.
Read MoreHave you considered using Liferay's object with DSL queries? Yes, is the response. Since Liferay doesn't provide utilities for this purpose, it can be challenging to identify accurate object entries based on certain field values when using Liferay objects with Liferay backend modules. Liferay does support DSL, however, it requires an instance class for tables. Don't worry, you can use DSL queries for your objects after creating one instance class.