Liferay Performance Tuning

Use our Liferay tuning services to maximize the performance of your Liferay. Our Liferay specialist will closely monitor the functionality and health of your portal, fine-tuning it from various angles, including the JVM, Liferay codebase, database threads, Web server, and filters.

Benefits of Liferay Performance Tuning

Explore the benefits of tuning the Liferay portal’s performance.

Enhanced User Experience

Market success is a direct result of excellent user experience. By fine-tuning Liferay, you may increase its speed of response and enhance user experience.

Enhanced Portal Performance

The portal will function more quickly and support a greater load on each node. If the portal is properly adjusted, it will be simple to enlarge.

Database Performance

The database will be able to manage the many transactions without any issues. Liferay may generate additional threads with the database and get a quicker response by using the database thread settings.

JVM Performance

The JVM's performance may be increased with the appropriate Liferay tweaking. JVM can use storage correctly and won't block the dummy storage with appropriate code refactoring and tuning.

Eliminate Fault

By using Liferay Webserver Tuning, errors such as node failure and session management would be decreased. We can quickly and simply replace the failing node with a newer one.

Elevated Capabilities for Load

With a predetermined set of cluster nodes, the portal will be able to handle traffic during both peak and regular hours.

Explore what we do for Liferay Tuning

Not only do we fine-tune Liferay's attributes, but we also thoroughly examine every component of the site to enhance its functionality.

Liferay Tuning

  • Examine Liferay architecture in relation to the non-functional specifications
  • Turn off any unneeded Liferay filters
  • AJP port settings should be improved
  • Activate Caching

Code Optimization

  • Examine the portal's workspace and the sonar result
  • Get rid of all the bugs and security risks in the workspace
  • Restructure the logic wherever it can to operate more quickly
  • Examine the dependencies
  • Make it a background procedure and do away with the laborious upfront transaction
  • Redesign the methods for loading data

JVM Tuning

  • Improve the memory settings for Heap
  • Modify the JVM configuration using the environment file from Liferay
  • Create reports on Heap dumps and optimize the errors
  • Turn on and maximize the garbage collector

Web server Configurations

  • Turn on Content-Encoding
  • Adapt the Load Balancer algorithm to the needs of your organization
  • Boost the servers' ability to communicate with one another

Database Tuning

  • Adjust the Threads and Connection pool configurations
  • When necessary, use a database cluster
  • Examine and make improvements to the queries that are executing more slowly

Load Testing

  • Use the non-functional criteria to construct load-testing scenarios
  • Test the portal's load in every possible circumstance
  • Use programs like Grinder and Apache JMeter to analyze the outcome